Bangsamoro Darul-Ifta' Moon-Sighting Confirms Start Of Ramadan Fasting On March 12, 2024
Bangsamoro Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulrauf A. Guialani in his announcement for the result of the moon sighting activity conducted by the Bangsamoro Darul-Ifta’ on Sunday, March 10, 2024 (Photo by Marhom Ibrahim/BIO)
In a crucial moon-sighting activity held on Sunday, the 29th of Sha'ban 1445 H, the Bangsamoro Darul-Ifta' diligently conducted observations in strategic areas across the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region and other parts of the country. The authorized groups of moon-sighters worked tirelessly from afternoon until sunset to determine the beginning of Ramadan for the year 2024.
Following this extensive moon-sighting effort, the Bangsamoro Mufti, Abdulrauf A. Guialani, has officially announced the outcome. The crescent moon was not sighted on this day. Consequently, it has been confirmed that Ramadan Fasting for the year 2024 will commence on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, insha-Allah.
This announcement comes as a significant moment for the Muslim community, marking the start of a sacred month of fasting, reflection, and spiritual growth. The decision is based on the authority vested in the Bangsamoro Darul-Ifta', ensuring a unified and accurate commencement of Ramadan for Muslims in the region and beyond.
Muslims around the world will now prepare for the month-long period of fasting, prayer, and increased devotion. The announcement is not only a religious milestone but also a unifying moment for the Bangsamoro community as they come together to observe the sacred traditions of Ramadan.
As the faithful eagerly await the arrival of Ramadan, the Bangsamoro Darul-Ifta' continues to play a crucial role in ensuring the accurate determination of significant Islamic dates, fostering unity among the Muslim community, and upholding the traditions of Islam in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region and beyond.