Iconic Columnist Maurice Arcache Passes Away, Fondly Remembered by Fashion Industry
Photo credit: Marieliese Evaristo
The fashion industry bid adieu to a dear friend and iconic personality, Maurice Arcache, who passed away on February 17. Renowned for his colorful personality and graciousness, Arcache had been a strong supporter of the industry, extending his generosity to the career of many young fashion enthusiasts.
Rene Tiongco and Edgar Allan, along with many others in the industry, mourn the loss of Arcache. Tiongco, who had known Arcache since the early 1980s, spoke fondly of him, saying, "Maurice had never failed to include so many of our fashion events in his very popular society column until the 30th anniversary of our Makati boutique in 2013."
Arcache's column was an important platform for many emerging designers, models, and entrepreneurs in the industry, and he used it to showcase their work and introduce them to his readers. He was known for his friendly and gracious demeanor and was beloved by many in the industry.
As the news of his passing spread, many took to social media to express their grief and offer their condolences. The fashion community mourns the loss of a great personality, a true friend, and a generous supporter.