Advocates Philippines
CHED Explains Suspension Of Senior High School Program In SUCs
Photo credit: CHED
In a recent statement, Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Secretary Prospero De Vera III shed light on the decision to halt the Senior High School (SHS) program in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs). The move comes as a result of the completion of the transition period, with SUCs facing space and resource constraints due to the influx of Grade 11 students.

De Vera emphasized that students who have already enrolled in Grade 11 will complete their program. However, he pointed out the urgent need for utilizing available classrooms and teachers, as SUCs have reached full capacity. The decision is grounded in the legal basis provided by the agreement between the Department of Education (DepEd) and CHED.

The CHED Secretary expressed openness to discussing the possibility of extending vouchers for at least one year for students who have been accepted. However, he emphasized the importance of awaiting the decision of the universities' boards of regents, particularly private institutions that may not be accepting vouchers.

Chairman De Vera noted that some SUCs are still in the process of requesting the continuation of the SHS program. Discussions are ongoing, especially concerning Grade 12 students who are granted a grace period. For these students, completing their enrollment is crucial as there is no longer a legal basis for the program, and they will lose government subsidies.

To address the situation, De Vera suggested that public universities transitioning from offering high school programs to becoming institutions providing higher education programs should establish laboratory schools. These schools would focus on teacher education and serve as training grounds for education students.

Meanwhile, several senators expressed support for reviewing the SHS program but emphasized the importance of ensuring that no students are adversely affected by the decision.

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