Advocates Philippines
No Cause For Alarm: Senate Website Security Update
Hey folks, let’s clear up some confusion! You might have seen headlines about the Senate website being hacked recently. Here’s the scoop: the news isn’t as alarming as it sounds.

First off, the so-called “hack” involved accessing the Senate’s Sharepoint site, where public documents are uploaded. This includes usernames and basic logs that track things like upload dates and file sizes. But here’s the good news – these details don’t include anything sensitive or confidential.

Department of Information and Communications Technology Assistant Secretary Renato Paraiso has reassured everyone that there’s no reason to panic. The documents accessed are mostly public records, like committee hearing transcripts and plenary session journals. These are documents that anyone can access if they request them.

The Senate is on top of its cybersecurity game and is committed to keeping its website secure. So, no need to worry – your legislative documents are safe and sound!
Aug 21, 2024

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