Advocates Philippines
President Marcos Condemns Ambush On Troops In Maguindanao, Vows Justice
Photo credit: PBBM
In response to the ambush targeting soldiers in Maguindanao del Sur on March 17, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has vehemently denounced the attack, affirming his administration's commitment to combat terrorism and ensure justice for the fallen heroes.

President Marcos Jr. expressed his condemnation, stating, "We strongly condemn the cowardly ambush that targeted four of our courageous soldiers in Maguindanao del Sur." He emphasized that such despicable acts only strengthen the government's resolve to eradicate terrorism from the region and the entire nation.

The ambush, believed to be orchestrated by members of the Dawlah Islamiyah (DI) - Hassan Group, resulted in the tragic loss of four soldiers. The Philippine Army has labeled the incident as a ruthless act of terrorism and is working closely with local authorities and community leaders to enhance security measures in the area.

In solidarity with the families of the fallen soldiers, President Marcos Jr. has ordered the immediate provision of benefits and assistance to support them during this challenging time. He stressed the importance of unity in the face of such violence, asserting, "Let this tragic event unite us in our unwavering commitment for a safer, stronger, and insurgency-free Philippines."

The Philippine Army echoed President Marcos Jr.'s sentiments, denouncing the senseless and treacherous actions of the terrorist group responsible for the ambush. The Army affirmed its commitment to ensuring that the perpetrators face justice and that the families of the victims receive appropriate support.
Mar 18, 2024

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