Advocates Philippines
Shaira Resolves 'Selos' Copyright Dispute: Track To Return To Streaming Platforms
Screengrab from Shairaa Moro Singer
Shaira, the artist behind the viral hit "Selos," has addressed the copyright controversy surrounding her track. The song was temporarily removed from streaming platforms due to copyright claims from Lenka’s camp, citing similarities with Lenka's 2008 song "Trouble Is A Friend."

Shaira clarified the situation, stating that no legal action was taken against her. Instead, peaceful discussions led to an agreement with Lenka's team, allowing "Selos" to be re-released on online streaming platforms.

Expressing her gratitude, Shaira thanked Lenka for the opportunity and emphasized that the resolution wasn't just for her but also for fellow Bangsamoro artists and Filipinos.

Despite facing criticism and doubts, Shaira chose to remain silent to avoid escalating the issue. She acknowledged the negative comments as reminders to improve their work further.

Shaira expressed her gratitude for the opportunities that have opened up since the release of "Selos" but also acknowledged the challenges, including criticisms and concerns about the song's similarity to another track.
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