Advocates Philippines
What Is Ramadan?
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Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and holds great significance for Muslims around the world. It is a sacred month during which Muslims observe fasting from dawn to sunset as one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The fasting, known as "Sawm," is a practice of self-discipline, self-reflection, and spiritual growth. It commemorates the month during which the Quran, the holy book of Islam, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

One of the special prayers performed during Ramadan is Salat al-Taraweeh. This is a voluntary night prayer that takes place after the obligatory Isha prayer. It is offered in congregation at the mosque and involves the recitation of long portions of the Quran. The Taraweeh prayer is traditionally performed in even-numbered units (rak'ahs), and the number of rak'ahs can vary among different Islamic traditions. Typically, it is performed in sets of two or four rak'ahs.

The Taraweeh prayer provides an additional opportunity for Muslims to engage in extra acts of worship and reflection during the blessed month of Ramadan. It is a time when believers seek forgiveness, strengthen their connection with Allah, and draw closer to the teachings of Islam. The atmosphere during Taraweeh prayers is often serene and spiritually uplifting, fostering a sense of community and shared devotion among those who participate.
Mar 11, 2024

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