AdvocatesTV • May 9, 2020

IATF approves construction and infrastructure projects under ECQ

Photo Credit: Build Build Build Official Facebook Page
The Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) has allowed construction projects in both the public and private sectors to resume in areas under enhanced community quarantine (ECQ).

Presidential and IATF spokesman Harry Roque on Saturday said priority is given to construction of quarantine and isolation infrastructures, facilities for health sectors and emergency work and climate mitigation projects. 

He added that work in the energy sector, flood control and other disaster risk reduction and rehabilitation programs, sewerage projects, water service facilities, digital work, food production, agriculture, fishery, fish port development, housing, communications, water facilities, manufacturing and BPO sectors is also allowed under the ECQ. 

Roque however said the IATF allowed projects should be accredited by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).

The IATF will also allow construction projects that are compliant with the safety guidelines of the DPWH in areas under general community quarantine (GCQ).
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